2022.03.21 — mathematics of lockin detection
lockin detection is a experimental technique where, by modulating an otherwise constant signal, one can often significantly improve the signal to noise.
intuitively, we can think of the modulation as "shifting" the signal's spectrum to a frequency region where the noise spectrum is weaker.
in fact, anytime we assess the strength of a signal by comparing a measurement with the signal "on" and another with the signal "off", we are doing a type of lockin detection.
in this post I want to go a bit into the mathematics of lockin detections and present some concrete theorems that are helpful for designing a lockin detection scheme.
a lockin detector receives a signal $x(t)$ and then performs two operations:
modulates the signal by a sinusoid, producing an output
x(t) \to x(t)\cos\omega t\,,
and then
low pass filters the output of step 1, producing a final output
x(t)\cos\omega t \to \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} dt' x(t') \cos\omega t' g(t-t') \equiv y(t) \tag{1}
where $g(t)$ is the impulse response of the low pass filter.
conceptually, a filter's impulse response describes the output of a filter to an input consisting of a single brief pulse.
more concretely, if a filter with an impulse response $g(t)$ is fed an input of a rectangular pulse of height $x_o$ and width $\delta t$ centered about a time $t_o$, then the filter's output as $\delta t \to 0$ approaches $x_o \delta t g(t-t_o)$.
filters are perhaps more intuitively conceptualized by their transfer function $\hat{g}(\omega)$, which describes the attenuation of an input sinusoid.
in other words, if a filter is fed an input sinusoid $e^{i \omega t}$, then the filter returns an output $\hat{g}(\omega) e^{i \omega t}$.
the absolute value $|\hat{g}(\omega)|$ of a transfer function $\hat{g}(\omega)$ of a lockin amplifier is to a good approximation described by the function
|\hat{g}(\omega)| =
1 & |\omega| \le \Omega \\
0 & |\omega| \gt \Omega
where $\Omega$ is the cutoff frequency of the filter.
the cutoff frequency is related to the filter's time constant $\tau$ by the relation $\Omega = \frac{1}{\tau}$.
note here we only describe the absolute value of the transfer function.
the phase response $\delta(\omega)$ of the filter (i.e. $\hat{g}(\omega) = |\hat{g}(\omega)|e^{i\delta(\omega)}$) is more complicated, but the results presented here will be independent of the lockin filter's phase response.
filters are completely and equivalently described by their impulse responses and transfer functions.
the two are related by fourier transform:
\hat{g}(\omega) = \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} dt e^{i \omega t} g(t)
with these preliminaries out of the way, we would like to now go on to answer two questions:
what is a lockin detector's response to noise?
how quickly does a lockin detector respond to changes in the input?
to answer question 1, we feed a noise input $x(t)$ into the lockin.
we characterize the noise by its autocorrelation function $s(\Delta t)$, which is the expectation value of the product of the noise amplitudes at two times $t_1$ and $t_2$:
s(\Delta t) = \langle x(t_1) x^*(t_2)\rangle
where $\Delta t \equiv t_2-t_1$.
note that we assume here that the expectation value depends only on the different $\Delta t$ between $t_1$ and $t_2$ and not on their average
$\bar{t} \equiv \frac{1}{2}\left(t_1 + t_2\right)$.
the complex conjugate of $x(t)$ at $t_2$ is done only for mathematical convenience.
in the end our signals are always real and there is no difference between $x(t)$ and $x^*(t)$.
we are interested in the expectation value of the square of the lockin output $\langle y(t) y^*(t) \rangle$ (see equation 1).
setting aside the expecation value, we have:
y(t) y^*(t) =
\int dt_1 x(t_1) \cos{\omega t_1} g(t-t_1)
\int dt_2 x(t_2) \cos{\omega t_2} g(t-t_2)
after some rearranging:
y(t) y^*(t) =
\int dt_1 \int dt_2 x(t_1)x^*(t_2) \cos{\omega t_1} \cos{\omega t_2} g(t-t_1) g^*(t-t_2)
taking now the expectation value:
\langle y(t) y^*(t) \rangle =
\left\langle \int dt_1 \int dt_2 x(t_1)x^*(t_2) \cos{\omega t_1} \cos{\omega t_2} g(t-t_1) g^*(t-t_2) \right\rangle
by the linearity of the expectation value, we can move the angled brackets inside the integrals until they only surround the $x(t_1)x^*(t_2)$ pair, giving
\langle y(t) y^*(t) \rangle =
\int dt_1 \int dt_2 s(\Delta t) \cos{\omega t_1} \cos{\omega t_2} g(t-t_1) g^*(t-t_2)
where again $\Delta t \equiv t_2-t_1$.
next we apply the trig identify
\cos a \cos b = \frac{1}{2} \left( \cos \left( a - b \right) + \cos \left( a + b \right) \right)
and euler's identity
e^{ix} = \cos x + i \sin x
to rewrite our expression as
\langle y(t) y^*(t) \rangle =
\frac{1}{4} \int d \Delta t \int d T
s(\Delta t)
e^{i \omega \Delta t} + e^{- i \omega \Delta t}
\right) +
e^{i 2 \omega \bar{t}} + e^{- i 2 \omega \bar{t}}
g(T + \frac{1}{2} \Delta t) g^*(T - \frac{1}{2} \Delta t)
where $T \equiv t - \bar{t}$, with $\bar{t} \equiv \frac{1}{2} \left( t_1 + t_2 \right)$ as defined aboved.
distributing the complex exponentials, we obtain four integrals.
we focus for now on the integral associated with the $e^{i \omega \Delta t}$.
once we evaluate this integral, the one associated with $e^{-i \omega \Delta t}$ can be obtained simply by substituting $\omega \to -\omega$.
the integrals associated with the terms $e^{\pm i 2\omega \bar{t}}$ are negligible so long as $\omega \gt \Omega$.
so our task now is to simply the expression
\int d \Delta t
s(\Delta t) e^{i \omega \Delta t}
\int d T
g(T + \frac{1}{2} \Delta t) g^*(T - \frac{1}{2} \Delta t)
we tackle first the inside integral
\int d T
g(T + \frac{1}{2} \Delta t) g^*(T - \frac{1}{2} \Delta t)
to do this we first make use of the equation
\int dt f(t) g^*(t) = \frac{1}{2\pi}\int d\omega \hat{f}(\omega) \hat{g}^*(\omega) \tag{3}
where $\hat{y}(\omega)$ is the fourier transform of a function $y(t)$:
\hat{y}(\omega) = \int dt y(t) e^{i \omega t}
note here that this normalization convention is required in order to make the transfer function coincide with the fourier transform of the impulse response.
to prove equation , we first introduce another identity
\int dt e^{i \omega t} = 2 \pi \delta(\omega) \tag{4}
where $\delta(\omega)$ is the dirac delta function.
to prove equation 4, we note that, for any function $\hat{f}(\omega)$
\int d \omega \hat{f}(\omega) \left( \int dt e^{i\omega t} \right)
& =
\int dt \int d\omega \left( \hat{f}(\omega) e^{i\omega t} \right)
& =
2 \pi \int dt
\int d\omega \left( \hat{f}(\omega) e^{-i \omega \left( - t \right)} \right)
& =
2 \pi \int dt f(-t)
& =
2 \pi \int dt f(t) e^{i (0) t}
& =
2 \pi \int dt f(t) e^{i (0) t}
& =
2 \pi \hat{f}(0)
where $f(t)$ is the inverse fourier transform of $\hat{f}(\omega)$:
f(t) =
\int d\omega \hat{f}(\omega) e^{-i \omega t}
equation 5 thus shows that $\frac{1}{2 \pi} \int dt e^{i \omega t}$ satisfies the defining property of the dirac delta function, thus proving equation 4.
having established equation 4, we start our proof of equation 3 by applying equation 5 to $f(t)$ and $g(t)$, obtaining
\int dt f(t) g^*(t) =
\int dt
\int d\omega_f \hat{f}(\omega_f) e^{-i \omega_f t}
\int d\omega_g \hat{g}(\omega_g) e^{-i \omega_g t}
shuffling around the integrals, we obtain
\int dt f(t) g^*(t)
\int d \omega_f \hat{f}(\omega_f)
\int d \omega_g \hat{g}^*(\omega_g)
\left[ \int d t e^{i \left( \omega_g - \omega_f \right) t} \right]
applying now equation 4 to the bracketing expression:
\int dt f(t) g^*(t)
& =
\int d\omega_f \hat{f}(\omega_f)
\int d\omega_g \hat{g}^*(\omega_g)
\left[ 2 \pi \delta\left(\omega_g - \omega_f\right) \right]
& =
\int d \omega_f \hat{f}(\omega_f) \hat{g}^*(\omega_f)
& =
\int d\omega \hat{f}(\omega) \hat{g}^*(\omega)
thus completing the proof of equation 3.
Now we introduce the useful fourier "shift" theorem:
\int dt f(t-t_o) e^{i \omega t}
& = \int d(t-t_o) f(t-t_o) e^{i \omega (t - t_o + t_o)}
& = \int d(t-t_o) f(t-t_o) e^{i \omega (t - t_o) + i \omega t_o}
& = \int d(t-t_o) f(t-t_o) e^{i \omega (t - t_o)}e^{i \omega t_o}
& = e^{i \omega t_o} \int d(t-t_o) f(t-t_o) e^{i \omega (t - t_o)}
& = e^{i \omega t_o} \int dt f(t) e^{i \omega t}
& =
e^{i\omega t_o} \hat{f}(\omega)
returning to our attack on the integral in equation 2b, we apply simultaneously equations 3 and 7:
\int d T
g(T + \frac{1}{2} \Delta t) g^*(T - \frac{1}{2} \Delta t)
& =
\int d\omega'
e^{i\omega' \left( - \frac{1}{2} \Delta t \right)} \hat{g}(\omega')
e^{i\omega' \left( + \frac{1}{2} \Delta t \right)} \hat{g}(\omega')
& =
\int d\omega'
e^{i\omega' \left( - \frac{1}{2} \Delta t \right)} \hat{g}(\omega')
e^{i\omega' \left( - \frac{1}{2} \Delta t \right)} \hat{g}^*(\omega')
& =
\frac{e^{-i\omega' \Delta t}}{2\pi}
\int d\omega'
where $\hat{P}_g(\omega) \equiv |\hat{g}(\omega)|^2$ is known as the power spectrum of the impulse response $g(t)$.
substituting equation 8 into equation 2a, we obtain
\int d \Delta t
s(\Delta t) e^{i \omega \Delta t}
\frac{e^{-i\omega' \Delta t}}{2\pi}
\int d\omega'
& =
\frac{1}{4} \frac{1}{2 \pi}
\int d\omega'
\int d \Delta t
s(\Delta t)
e^{i \left(\omega - \omega'\right) \Delta t}
& =
\frac{1}{4} \frac{1}{2 \pi}
\int d\omega'
\hat{P}_s(\omega - \omega')
& =
\frac{1}{4} \frac{1}{2 \pi}
\hat{P}_x * \hat{P}_g
where $\hat{P}_x(\omega)$ is the fourier transform of $s(\Delta t)$, which turns out, via the Wiener Khinchin theorem, to be equal to the power spectrum of a noise signal $x(t)$ with autocorrelation function $\langle x(t_1) x^*(t_2) \rangle = s(\Delta t)$.
$\left(\hat{f} * \hat{g} \right)(\omega)$ denotes the convolution of two functions $\hat{f}(\omega')$ and $\hat{g}(\omega')$, evaluated at $\omega$.
since $x(t)$ and $g(t)$ are real functions, their fourier transforms satisfy the property $\hat{f}(-\omega) = \hat{f}^*(\omega)$, and so their power spectrums satisfy $\hat{P}_f(-\omega) = \hat{P}_f(\omega)$.
the convolution of $\hat{P}_x(\omega)$ and $\hat{P}_g(\omega)$ will have the same property, which implies that the integral in equation 2a will be unchanged under a substitution $\omega \to -\omega$.
therefore our orignal expression for $\langle y(t)y^*(t) \rangle$, retaining our neglect of the integrals associated with the $e^{\pm i 2 \omega \bar{t}}$, becomes
\langle y(t)y^*(t) \rangle
& =
\frac{1}{4} \frac{1}{2 \pi}
\hat{P}_x * \hat{P}_g
& =
\frac{1}{4 \pi}
\hat{P}_x * \hat{P}_g
in others words, the rms noise output
$\delta y \equiv \sqrt{\langle y(t)y^*(t) \rangle}$
of lockin amplifier is
\delta y = \sqrt{
\frac{1}{4 \pi}
\hat{P}_x * \hat{P}_g
from this expression, it is clear that reducing the lockin's cutoff frequency $\Omega$ of $\hat{g}(\omega)$ (or, equivalently, increasing its time constant $\tau$) will narrow the power spectrum $\hat{P}_g$ (in fact, in our approximation, good for a typical lockin amplifier, we have $\hat{P}_g(\omega) = |\hat{g}(\omega)|$), which will in turn reduce the lockin's sensitivity to noise.
we may wonder, then, why one does not make the lockin time constant $\tau$ arbitrarily large.
the answer is that a large time constant will make the lockin very slow to react to changes in the input.
to see this, let's feed to the input of the lockin a signal $x(t)$ that, on short time scales, oscillates at the lockin's modulation frequency $\omega$, but whose amplitude is slowly modulated at a frequency $\Omega'$, i.e.
x(t) = x_o \cos{\Omega' t}\cos{\omega t}
the lockin output given this input will be
& = \int dt' x(t') \cos{\omega t'} g(t-t')
& = \int dt' \left( x_o \cos{\Omega' t'}\cos{\omega t'} \right) \cos{\omega t'} g(t-t')
applying a trig identity introduced earlier, we note that:
\cos^2{\omega t} = \frac{1}{2} \left( 1 + \cos{2\omega t} \right)
the term oscillating at $2 \omega$ can be neglected when $\omega \gt \Omega$, as we asserted earlier for the $e^{i 2\omega \bar{t}}$ terms.
the expression for the lockin output then simplifies to
= \frac{x_o}{2} \int dt' \cos{\Omega' t'} g(t-t')
the integral though is just the response of a filter with impulse response $g(t)$ to a sinusoid oscillating at $\Omega'$, which we said earlier is given by a simple scaling of the input by a factor $\hat{g}(\Omega')$, yielding
y(t) = \frac{x_o}{2} \hat{g}(\Omega') \cos{\Omega' t}
so we see that the lockin is unable to respond to changes in the input occuring on time scales $\tau' = \frac{1}{\Omega'}$ faster than $\tau = \frac{1}{\Omega}$.
field tests
I tested formula 9 out on an SRS 830 lockin ampliflier.
I fed to the lockin's DC-coupled input a 100 mV RMS white noise source with $f_{co} = \frac{\omega_{co}}{2 \pi} = 60 \text{MHz}$ bandwidth.
Using a BNC-tee I terminated the (otherwise high impedance) lockin input with a 50 Ohm terminator.
I verified that, by feeding the same noise source to a 50 Ohm terminated oscilloscope input,
one obtains a spectrum that is flat out to 60 MHz and gives an RMS reading of 100 mV.
taking the variances of 1000 sample datasets with and without the noise source connected to the input,
I obtain a lockin response to the noise source of $\delta y = 1.4 \text{mV RMS}$.
what do we expect, given formula 9?
the relevant lockin parameters for the measurement are:
modulation frequency $f_o = \frac{\omega_o}{2 \pi} = 100 \text{kHz}$
time constant: $\tau = \frac{1}{\Omega} = 10 \mu\text{s}$
it is hard to measure precisely the shape of the input noise spectrum, so let's assume it is of the form
\hat{P}_s(\omega) = \frac{\hat{P}_o}{1 + \left(\frac{\omega}{\omega_{co}}\right)^2}
the RMS input noise $P_o = \left(100 \text{mV}\right)^2$ is equal to $\langle x^2(t) \rangle = s(0)$, so that
& =
& =
\frac{1}{2 \pi} \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} d \omega \hat{P}_s(\omega) e^{-i \omega \left(0\right)}
& =
\frac{\hat{P}_o}{2 \pi} \int \frac{d\omega}{1 + \left(\frac{\omega}{\omega_o}\right)^2}
& =
\hat{P}_o \frac{\omega_{co}}{2 \pi} \int \frac{dx}{1 + x^2}
& =
\hat{P}_o \frac{\omega_{co}}{2 \pi} f_{co} \pi
& =
\frac{\hat{P}_o \omega_{co}}{2}
so, in other words:
\hat{P}_o = 2 \frac{P_o}{\omega_{co}}
since $\omega_{co} \gg \omega_o$, $\hat{P}_s(\omega) \approx \hat{P}_o$ to a very good approximation over the integration region
$\omega_o - \Omega \lt \omega \lt \omega_o + \Omega$,
we obtain immediately from equation 9 the result
\delta y = \sqrt{ \frac{1}{4\pi} \times 2 \Omega \times \hat{P}_o} \approx 0.9 \text{mV RMS}
though this is the same order of magnitude as the observed value of 1.4 mV RMS,
the deviation is not explainable by any uncertainties in the analysis,
suggesting some flaw in our assumptions or calculations.
the most obvious source of error is our assumption of $\Omega = \frac{1}{\tau}$,
since I do not know if this convention relating time constants and cutoff frequencies still holds for higher older filters.
looking carefully at the manual for the lockin amplifier, they claim that the RMS noise can be calculated by the relation
\delta y^2 = \Delta f_{ENBW} \tilde{P}_o
where $\Delta f_{ENBW}$ is a "equivalent noise bandwidth" given by $\frac{5}{64 \tau}$ by the 24 decibel per octave low pass output filter use in the measurement, and
$\tilde{P}_o$ is the power spectral density in frequency space,
which is related to the $\omega$ space power spectral density $\hat{P}_o$ by $\tilde{P}_o = 2 \pi \hat{P}_o$.
this suggests that, for the 24 decibel per octave filter, we must modify the relation $\Omega = \frac{1}{\tau}$ to $\Omega' = \alpha \frac{1}{\tau}$ so that
\frac{1}{4\pi} \times 2 \Omega' \times \hat{P}_o = \delta y^2 = \Delta f_{ENBW} \tilde{P}_o
\alpha = \frac{\left(2 \pi\right)^2 5}{64} \approx 3.1
this implies that our original calculation underestimates the output noise by a factor of approximately $\sqrt{3.1} \approx 1.76$.
making this correction, we get an expected noise of $\delta y = 1.76 \times 0.9 \text{mV RMS} \approx 1.6 \text{mV RMS}$,
which is significantly closer to the measured value of 1.4 mV RMS.